USAID 4BetterHealth: Increase access to quality health and social services for OVC and their families.

Number of OVCs served in FY’24.

The USAID 4BETTER HEALTH is a 5-year Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program, that seeks to improve the quality of life of at least 51,241 OVC and their families in more than 17,080 households across 6 counties; by providing greater access and uptake of quality health and social services in Kenya.

The program is providing interventions that are geared towards ensuring the OVC become and remain healthy, safe, educated, and their household is economically stable. The consortium program brings together 7 implementing partners: USAID as the funding agency; St John’s Community Centre as prime; Global Communities; AMURT; ADS Mount Kenya, ADS Eastern, ADS Nairobi-All Saints and Kajiado (NAIKA) and ADS Central Rift as implementing partners.

To bolster effectiveness and sustainability, the program is intensively leveraging on new and ongoing partnerships and linkages with stakeholders; in the form of the county and national governments, peer organizations, and the private and public sectors. There is capacity building and mentorship of duty bearers and relevant structures and systems so as to enhance success.

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